Financial Institutions

Financial Institutions - building - coin

Financial Institutions face a myriad of challenges, from disruptive technologies to global economic uncertainties to shifting regulatory regimes.

Drawing from a wealth of diversified legal expertise, we are well equipped to help our clients navigate these challenges and realise their objectives. Clients trust us to guide them through stringent legislative scrutiny, tailor detailed and sophisticated transactions, and give comprehensive advice on issues of bankruptcy and structural reform. With our multidisciplinary acumen and our commitment to service excellence, we help financial institutions stay between the lines while adding value to themselves and their clients.

We serve role players across all major market sectors, including retail and investment banks, intermediaries, peer-to-peer lenders, and asset managers. We bring a comprehensive market view to the table.

Our services include:

  • Due Diligence and Regulatory Compliance; 
  • Cross-Industry Transactions; 
  • Complex Loan Structuring; 
  • Commercial Contracts; 
  • Restructuring.